Now don't get TOO excited here, folks! I'm just talking about ME, Damonk, as being that guy who whips up these strange culinary dishes and passes them off as comic strips (what? you haven't TASTED any of my strips yet? Wooo, but you are missing out -- especially with a dash or three of Oregano and a pinch of... well, i can't let you in on ALL of my cartoon cooking secrets just yet, can I?)...
Anywho, you get the gist, right?  I draw the strips, therefore I am the STRIPPER...?  And before you accuse me of attmpting to be punny, know that my English Literature background ensures me the term is fully SOUND and SERIOUS -- oh, yeah!  That Shakespeare guy used it ALL the time (in his LOST plays), and those poet-people -- no, not the ones you know (that would reveal my deceit!), but those really obscure ones with names that sound like I just made them up?  Whew!!  You wouldn't BELIEVE how many times THEY used STRIPPER as a legit term for bonafide sequential art manufacturers!! Oh yeah! I wouldn't kid you or try to hoodwink you, folks -- I'm an English Major!!
But enuff about language validation... and let's move on to ME!  I'm an Acadian Canuck who decided to become a poet-guy (because of the money, babes, and prestige, of course!) and who is taking his Master's Degree in English Literature at UNB in Fredericton, New Brunswick, land of the Great White North, etc., etc.

I've been pretending to know how to draw for years, a talent that developed while being insanely bored in class (not that I ever do that anymore, of course, 'cause i'm MATURE now! [chuckle -- so hard to say that with a straight font...]).
I've drawn up crappy illustrations for an Acadian history textbook, cartoons and strips for student newspapers, and one day just had this spontaneous urge to break into the wild and wacky world of webstripping, inspired in part by Josh Phillips' Avalon and Jeff Darlington's General Protection Fault...

Once I dealt with the crushing revelation that webstripping did not involve risqué glossies of provocatively unsocked duck feet, I figured that while I'm here I should try this strange, non-duck-related artform, and now publish this daily attempt at humour for your sole benefit!  Yep!  Just YOU!!

Now go back and read more of my strips -- I COMMAND YOU!!