FRANK CORMIER is a French-Acadian English Major (now isn't THAT confusing!) who is so desperate for tuition money that he once posed nude for the cover of Cubist Magazine (unfortunately, they paid him in abstract money). Led to a mysterious door in an inconspicuous alleyway by an anonymous note promising low interest rates on a Discount Grad Assistantship, Frank now finds himself stuck in a place that defies the very bounds of logic, sanity, and all around good taste  -- no, NOT Government!  I'm talking about a COMIC STRIP (though I see your point...)!!!

ALLISON SIMPSON was just following Frank around in the hopes that he'd treat her to a beer or twelve once he got his hands on all of this promised free money... Poor girl.  Wait till she finds out what she's NOT going to get for a while...
DEREK SIDEBOTTOM is a pizza-delivery guy who's much more than what he really seems on the surface --  worn-out cap, crusty pizza delivery jacket, distinct oregano smell, belly extended from too many free garlic fingers... umm~~

Ok -- so he's just a pizza-delivery guy.  But whatever you do, don't tell him that, 'cause it'll just get him all sad-like.

MIKE HENRY is an old roommate and close friend of Frank's. One heck of a shrewd cookie, he's an excellent cook, able to make gourmet dishes out of just about anything he can get his hands on.  Mike secretly hopes to be the next Robert Jordan, but will deny this penchant for fantasy writing if asked, though~~ so don't ask. You've been warned. 

So how shrewd can a man who gets transported into a comic while doing his 'business' be? Well~~ let's wait and see just what the naked guy can do, shall we? 

WALDONE is somebody you may recall from your kidhood. You may not be sure from where, but he certainly seems familiar, doesn't he?
THE TALKING SIGN was the result of an unwitting wish made by Derek not long after the hapless pizza boy was sucked into the comic strip. Originally intended to be a one-shot gag, the sign has quickly become one of the most popular and requested characters in FRAMED! history.

But if you ask me, he's just a sawed-off old hack who's an arrogant, scene-stealing ham. 

Just like William Shatner.

RICHARD NIXON is yet another result of a Derek wish gone terrifingly awry. Regardless of the fact that he is technically one of the living dead, Nixon just sees this odd happenstance as a perfect excuse to stage his grand political comeback.

Master of disguises and gifted with a silver tongue, who knows what this tricky Richard will accomplish during his term as a secondary character in the FRAMED! universe...?

HARVEY THE TALKING POTATO was Allison's fault, not Derek's. A master of horrible starch-related puns, this self-proclaimed spud will stop at nothing to get all the girls that currently reside in the comic strip.

Poor, poor Allison.

ART GARFUNKEL was supposed to be yet another one-joke wonder, but due to the unending pressures of a certain web-based, secret Art fan society (*cough* ZWOL *cough cough*), 
the aclaimed folksinger has made a few recurring appearances, in the hopes of satiating the Art-hungry masses and avoiding the possibility of a certain Acadian cartoonist being strung up and flagellated with stringbeans and yams...
Speaking of art... let's change the subject completely, since JACKSON POLLOCK has nothing to do with the topic. Apparently, this crazed artist wannabe roams the darker, hidden recesses of the comic, flinging various forms of oozing matter at all he sees with frenzied zeal. 

No picture actually exists of this wild man, and the FRAMED! photography staff are currently going through an intense barrage of psychiatric reprogramming sessions to try to erase the trauma of their attempt to track Pollock down. 

A certain wise man once said, "without art, there can be no Paul."

Ok, it was really the same guy who's head of the Art cult mentionned above, but that does not affect the truth of the statement. Even when Art was used for his initial one-shot deal, PAUL SIMON made the trip here as well, and though never seen since, is likely lurking somewhere.

Unless he's been squished already, that is.

...and then there was BOXJAM.